
JANET KIRA LESSIN is an author (http://www.amazon.com/author/janetkiralessin), radio talk show host, television personality, educator, experiencer, contactee, researcher, conference presenter, conference organizer, workshop leader, hypnotherapist, and counselor.  She’s been featured in Time and Der Spiegal and dozens of articles in newspapers, magazines, and online.  She’s been on “Time Zone International”, “Leeza Gibbons Show”, “Extra”, “Inside Edition”, “Talk or Walk”, “John Walsh Show” and she’s been interviewed on dozens of radio shows and has interviewed and produced over 1000 radio shows (and counting). She broadcasts 4 to 7 days a week on the Aquarian Radio Network (www.aquarianradio.com) which she created with her husband, Dr. Sasha Alex Lessin.

How we began:

Janet’s life path and spiritual evolution emerged from extensive study of the consciousness growth and high spiritual arts field and through intense meditation practices. In 1997 Janet and Sasha met in a tantra workshop he taught in Santa Cruz, CA. They fell in love and married soon afterward.

Sasha tutored Janet extensively in tantra. Janet underwent extensive psychotherapy in order to clear childhood issues and trauma reprogram herself so she would be free from childhood abuse, cultural conditioning, and religious programming and thus began her formal studies in the consciousness field although she had been reading and studying on her own since she was a child.

Janet, naturally tantric, joined Sasha as his co-teacher and presenter and together they developed, All-Chakra Tantra, a system activating and integrating awareness on all levels of human consciousness. As part of Janet’s clearing, the Lessins employed the methods of All-Chakra Tantra, which they fine-tuned and further developed them as Janet worked through her sexual abuse traumas and learned how to facilitate others’ reprogramming.

CurvedSweet_IMG_0929Janet joined Sasha in Drs. Hal and Sidra Stones’ advanced Voice Dialogue facilitators’ groups. The Stones taught her how to teach people to center themselves and integrate subselves they developed to deal with sexual trauma and environmental stresses. Janet systematically worked through the five levels of Tantra Certification in the School of Tantra and attained the status of Professor of Tantric Studies.

Janet and Sasha teach, counsel, and produce workshops, events, and conferences in spiritual evolution, personal growth, consciousness, tantra, alternative & traditional relationships, polyamory, ancient anthropology, Anunnaki, and healing arts. They don’t plan to retire until authentic, planetary peace prevails across the planet.  It’s a big job. Perhaps you want to join them so we can get this done sooner.

Since 1997, the Lessins have been sought by the media. Their first interview was with Der Spiegel followed within a year by Time and subsequently, they have been featured in television, radio, internet, magazines, newspapers, web sites such as Cosmopolitan, Honolulu Weekly, Hustler, Playboy, The Daily Beast, Leeza Gibbons, Talk or Walk, John Walsh, Extra, Entertainment, Showtime, HBO, Time Zone International, Penn and Teller, Dr. Helen, Cosmic Cafe, etc. They have led workshops and given presentations all over the world for dozens of organizations such as Tony Robbins Platinum Club, Celebrations of Love, Loving More, Sedona Temple, Phoenix Goddess Temples, World Polyamory Association, School of Tantra, Loving More, School of Counseling, Sexy Spirits.

Janet&Sasha-Tantra-Penn&TellerThe Lessins’ Tantra Certification program is the most comprehensive in the world. The program integrates ancient and modern healing, clearing, and consciousness-raising psychothechnologies and spiritual practices. Their system is widely studied by students from all continents who either travel to meet the Lessins in person or connect through Skype or the Lessins distance learning program.

Janet and Sasha founded the first tantra church/temple in America, the Temple of Tantra (aka Tantra Theosophical and Gaia-Worshiping Society of the Divine Human Family), a 501c(3)(a). The Lessins are highly skilled psychotherapists and spiritual counselors; they counsel and teach those in need in Hawaii and wherever they travel.

They expanded their classes and counseling to include Experiencers (those who have paranormal or extraterrestrial encounters, contact, abductions, sightings, MILABS, or other types of non-ordinary experiences).

See www.experiencersnetwork.com and www.extraterrestrialcontact.com for more information.

Dr. Lessin and Janet also research UFOs, extraterrestrials, aliens, and interdimensionals with a strong focus on ancient aliens and the Anunnaki. They’ve written many books on the subjects and are working to transfer all these books and put them up on Kindle and amazon.com.

Janet wrote Polyamory Many Loves: The Poly-Tantric Lovestyle: A Personal Account,  Dance of the Souls: Pierce the Veil.
Sasha penned Great Relationships, Journey to Tomorrow, Anunnaki: Gods No More, Existential Life Review.

Sasha and Janet together wrote How to Really Love A Woman, All-Chaka Tantra, Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods and Anunnaki: False Gods and a dozen other books they’re currently preparing for publication.

The Lessins broadcast on www.aquarianradio.com and Sundays from 8 to 10 PM Eastern on the Sacred Matrix on Revolution Radio (www.freedomslips.com), Studio B.

The Lessins live and love in Maui, Hawaii, USA. They may be contacted at:
Janet Kira Lessin and/or Sasha Lessin, Ph. D
1371 Malaihi Road, Wailuku, HI 96793
email: sashalessinphd@aol.com, janetlessin@gmail.com
phone: 808-244-4103 or 808-214-3442


She and Dr. Sasha Lessin, have written 10 books together and individually and have several books in the works at all times.  They present and teach on a wide variety of subjects including tantra, relationships, counseling, contactees and experiencers, UFOs, secret space program, paranormal, psychic phenomenon, extraterrestrials, aliens and inter-dimensional beings, ghosts, reincarnation, hypnotherapy at conferences, in skype groups, webinars, phone, in person, on the internet, radio, books, media, etc. and in growth centers.  She works with those who channel, who engage in shamanic journeywork, or who use tantric rituals to access the superconscious.  She and her husband and their cats live and love in their paradise jungle retreat in beautiful Maui, Hawaii.

Likewise, her specialties include tarrying with those who experience abduction, astral contact or paranormal activity, who belong to alien contact groups, or who have supernormal and nature guides. Janet’s practice encompasses those who access the dead, experienced near-death experiences, who get powerful psychic intimations, who experience themselves and others as multidimensional. In her practice, Janet helps ground those in contact with the metacosmic void.

Janet presents powerpoints based on her life as an Experiencer (which began at birth), plus information based on her research which includes presentations based on the Anunnaki, ancient aliens, UFOlogy, Experiencers, and her work as a counselor with Dr. Sasha Lessin dealing with clients who’ve experienced paranormal and ET contact plus non-ordinary states of consciousness (such as astral travel, remote viewing, shamanic journeys, etc).

Janet presents solo or with her beloved husband, Dr. Sasha Lessin. Janet and Sasha love to present together.  Together they facilitate workshops, experiencer groups, and private counseling sessions.  Sessions, workshops, and educational tutorials are based on the Anunnaki, ancient aliens, tantra, spiritual emergence, relationship counseling, life coaching, personal growth counseling, kundalini awakening, and more.

At 13, saddened with the hypocrisy of religion, Janet embarked on a spiritual path–read hundreds of books on the paranormal, psychology and consciousness expansion and, in seminars and counseling, overcame her childhood abuse issues and learned to help others. In 1997, Janet wed Dr. Sasha Lessin and began teaching with him. In their work with experiencers, contactees, and psychics, the Lessins adapt methods from Holotropic Breathwork, Existential Analysis, Tantra, Voice Dialogue, Gestalt, Hypnotherapy, Past, and Future Life Regression and Progression as well as Imago Work. They teach experiencers how to center themselves and integrate the energies they access in extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional, as well as paranormal experiences.

Janet is the author of Dance of the Souls: Pierce the Veil. Coming soon: Dragon at the End of Time.
Janet is the co-author of Anunnaki: Anunnaki: Gods No More, Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods, Anunnaki: False Gods, Marduk: Anunnaki King of Earth & Anunnaki: Evolution of the Gods.

Janet Kira and Dr. Sasha Lessin ~ office 808-244-4103, cell 808-214-3442.   The Lessins teach and employ hypnosis, Jungian Past-life Therapy, Holotropic Breathwork, Yoga, Tantra, Spirit Releasement, Extraterrestrial, and exopolitical deprogramming, Voice Dialogue Centering, Existential Analysis, Gestalt Therapy, Spiritual growth, and Psychosynthesis.

We also have many related pages and groups on Facebook on counseling, spirituality, tantra, relationship choice, extraterrestrial and paranormal contact. The Lessins specialize in clearing intensives, facilitated regression, progression and shamanic journeywork
Available for in-person, phone or skype sessions.  email: sashalessinphd@aol.com and janetlessin@gmail.com

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